心經 The Heart Sutra

对我而言是绝佳的鼓励, 也助我提升。

Sunday, May 30, 2010





Saturday, May 29, 2010




這是何等嚣张,何等猖狂 !!!


真的一個馬來西亞??? 我們期待!!!





1. 非正式的外交信件; 特指政府部门或外交部致大使馆或公使馆的书面声明, 尤其用于例行传达或询问, 无需签署;
2. 備忘或保留准备将来用的非正式的记事录; 帮助或唤起记忆的记录; 日记本里的记事录。


书面合同(memorandum of understanding) 指的是在买卖双方磋商过程中,多某些事项达成一定程度的理解与谅解及一致意见,将这种理解、谅解、一致意见以備忘錄的形式记录下来,作为今后进一步磋商,达成最终协议的参考,并作为今后双方交易与合作的依据。雙方處於相等的位置,但不具有法律约束力。

另外的一種備忘錄,尤其是華小長用的,是两方出于不平等的地位,由一方用在向另一方提出申請, 要求。



Friday, May 28, 2010


買花買香, 為佛沐浴,
消災消難, 合家平安;
萬人頌佛, 萬佛朝宗,
無災無難, 世界大同.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


泰國的國王, 您怎樣了? 為何還不開金口?

傷的人還不夠? 還要更多的人死亡?

Chinese Community Needs Good Ministers / Deputy Ministers

The MCA President Dr. Chua's suggestion for the two Vice Presidents of MCA to be appointed as the senators carries an obvious implication. This is also a clear indication that Dr. Chua is a man who walks on his words – not to be in the cabinet.
The Chinese are looking at possible suggestions from Dr. Chua to help to appoint excellent Ministers and Deputy Ministers from MCA. If the MP of Labis is not in the line up just because he is Dr. Chua's son, it is definitely VERY unfair to a capable man. If that MP from Pontian continues to be a Deputy Minister, than the MP from Labis should be a Minister then. Those who have followed the debates and presentations put up by the MPs across the whole nation in the Parliament will know what I mean. How many MCA MPs are able and up to par to debate with the economist specialist Phua from DAP? None other than the MCA MP from Labis! What a disgrace to MCA!!!

I refer to some of my earlier write-ups here, especially the articles which I critically compared the three persons of whom two had been and one who is at present the Minister of Health. Throwing away Dr. Chua’s personal defect, he is still one of the best ministers amongst all MCA ministers in this half a century, and the BEST Minister of Health thus far.

I personally feel that in the present line up of MCA, no one is able to shoulder the responsibility of the portfolio in the Ministry of Health. It is undeniable that this is a very important ministry, but it does not really bring significant values and benefits to the Chinese community in particular. Be the Minister of Health a Malay Malaysian, Chinese Malaysian, Indian Malaysian, Iban Malaysian or whatever ethnicity you can think of, no citizen will lose out on the rights or enjoy special privileges. After all, if we look at the performance of the present Minister of Health, we do not see that he has really achieved the KPIs set (if he had set any outstanding KPI).

I still personally feel that Dr. Fong should be given due consideration in holding a ministry post. He was a very good Minister of Human Resource, after succeeding the work from the previous Deputy President of MCA, LAL.

Ministry of Human Resource is very important to all three major segments of the nation, especially the Chinese community. Dr. Fong had planned to have some public institutions conducting free courses / training workshops using Chinese Language to help the Chinese pre-mature school leavers (please in future do not use school drop-outs, we need to encourage these ‘lost’ people to learn skills in order to survive in this globally competitive world). It is sad to say that after the portfolio had been taken over by the MIC man, there was no sign of such courses!

I strongly urge Dr. Chua to use his intelligence to get back the Ministry of Human Resource portfolio to be headed by an excellent MCA man. I still feel that Dr. Fong is the best person to hold this ministry post, otherwise let the new Vice President Gan to hold this post. He is from Johore, nearer to Dr. Chua. I believe Dr. Chua will be able to mentor and coach him well, even though he is Ong’s man. The other Vice President of MCA, LSC, can be considered too, but NOT Duputy President LTL please, I really lose all the confidence in him as a minister!!! That ‘First Lady’ is definitely NOT the candidate and the appointed Secretary General did not show any outstanding work at all after taking over the portfolio from the two Ong brothers!

Dr. Chua, please use your wittiness and intelligence to get back the Ministry of Human Resource portfolio. May I propose the worst suggestion? If there is no other alternative, exchange the Ministry of Health or Ministry of Tourism portfolio with the Ministry of Human Resource portfolio, after all the present Minister of Human Resource Dr. Subramaniam is a medical specialist, he knows the Ministry of Health more than anyone else. Ministry of Tourism was never headed by MCA before. Frankly speaking, this ministry does not help Chinese community at large and in particular, especially the lost Chinese youth who need more concern and help! What the Chinese community wants is a minister who can help the Chinese more.
Please help our Chinese youth more, PLEASE!!!

May BUDDHA bless all of you.

In Dhamma.