The Disciplinary Board of MCA had finally taken the right move to quit! There is no point for the board members to find excuses to quit the committee. Rules and regulations were clearly stated in the MCA’s Constitutions that the Disciplinary Board can only give suggestions or proposals of actions to be taken against any MCA member. Such suggestion or proposal has to be endorsed by the presidential Council and Central Committee of MCA. A check and balance is a MUST in any political party or even in any NGO to avoid abuse of power that might be adopted by the Disciplinary Board Members. This is nothing new! There is no reason that these board members who are the veteran MCA members, are ignorant of such rules.
In fact, this is the worst of all the Disciplinary Boards ever had in MCA.
In fact, this is the worst of all the Disciplinary Boards ever had in MCA.
These members should not in the fist place, accept the appointment last year. Many other MCA members are much better of compared to them to be in the committee.
We sincerely hope that MCA will, after making a mistake to appoint this committee consisting of controversial and incompetent people, now appoint apt, appropriate and non-argumentative people in the Disciplinary Board!
Kg Folk ,
其实我的华文并不好,我才开始学习用Google Pinyin,加上用cdict才免强译成华文的文章,够辛苦了!
so busy recently??
2 weeks didnt update your blog liao..
Yea, relatively busy, and no mood to write actually, but I just posted a new one out of high inflammation and anger against the Minister of Health! he is not fit to hold the post! He is more concerned of the power struggling in the party rather than the welfare of the patients who frequent government polyclinics and hospitals!
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