It has been quite some time many patients who frequent government hospitals are getting agonized, not just because of some poor service but because of lacking stock of medicine or medicine prescribed by doctors were not available and the pharmacist at the dispensary departments had to use their decision to substitute by some other medicine. Patients, even those old ‘ah ma’ and ‘ah pei’ who have problems in walking, were told to leave the contact numbers so that they can be contacted to go to hospitals to get the medicine prescribed when the stock is available. Is the Minister of Health aware that for some of these regular ‘visitors’ to hospitals, their medical prescriptions can be given for period of 2 or 3 months as their next appointment could be half a year later. I had this type of annoying and inflaming experience many times.
I would like to put forth some questions to our beloved young Minister of Health.
1. How often have you frequent the hospitals and community polyclinics since you had been
appointed this post?
2. Have you fulfilled the KPI requirement in visiting hospitals and community polyclinics?
3. Do you know that most of the medical staff are working under great tension especially during
this moment when A (H1N1) has caused 72 fatal cases?
4. How many times you have meetings with the Director General of Health and other top
medical officers in finding ways and solutions to curb the wild spread of the fatal disease?
5. How many times have you carried out spot checks on hospitals and community polyclinics?
(A must in KPI !!!)
6. How many times have you given moral support, advices and appraisals to the medical staff in
the hospitals and community polyclinics?
7. Why are there so many complaints against the private hospitals in Malaysia? Do you know the
difference in the work ethics of the private hospitals in Singapore compared to those in
8. Do you know the working hours and schedules of the Minister of Health in other countries? Do
you know that especially during this moment, they were so tied down that they hardly have
time for personal and party matters?
Let me digress from the main issue a while, but not totally out from the issues of health. I visited a GH often. Basing on what I have heard from the medical staff and most people, I have come to certain inference. Bear with me if I am not very correct.
Besides his sex scandal, Dr. Chua with his superb knowledge in medicine and experience in administrative work (he was many years State Exco of Johore). He was very chary and sagacious at work. He was very particular in medical and administrative work in hospitals and according to most medical staff in government hospitals or departments, any project or work assigned had to be accomplished within the time frame given or even in a shorter period. They had to work on toes as he would have not only regular but unscheduled or rampant spot checks personally! Now, if your superior has a superb know-how and very meticulous in work and carries out spot check at any time, what would you do? As such he was named the BEST Minister of Health thus far by most medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often. I think it's not easy to have such kind of minister any more, sigh!
Datuk Chua is a lawyer, I don't think he really knows much about medical stuff, but he was an excellent Minister of Health, simple reason: he worked with his heart. As most lawyers are very meticulous, he had this as a bonus to his work as a Minister of Health. If you were to find out from the medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often, you will know that he was named the second best.
Back to our issues about KPI requirements to be followed by all civil servants and the ministers or deputy ministers, we will have a little discussion of what have been intentionally or unintentionally omitted.
I want to iterate that there are in general 3 main categories of Corruption being defined in the Anti-Corruption Acts:
1. Corruption of Money / Monetary Gain - receiving rewards or anything similar or letting familymembers or close relatives having monetary gains in approving projects or giving preferences etc.
2. Corruption of Power - Abusing the power by giving projects or giving preferences to any one having relations or allowing the facilities or premises to be used for personal or any close relation's personal interest; removing or expelling subordinates for personal gain / interest; promoting subordinates based on personal judgment or aiming to gain support etc.
3. Corruption of Time - late to work, leave working place early, use the official time for personal interest, not related to core work etc.
There are also GOs as working ethics to be obeyed by all civil servants and cabinet members! Under certain crucial moments, civil servants and cabinet members are 24 hours on call. They do not have private time at all, please bear this in mind!!!!! If we were to analyze properly, not necessary in details, we will find that so many of them are practically indulged only in party activities merely for their personal interest and gains, sigh! Please do not argue with me that there are many others (in other political parties) who do that. If you were to say such thing, then it is better you bite back the dog when a dog bites you!!!! What we need from the cabinet members is only a simple request, but NOT difficult to follow: be free from corruptions (any form defined above) and refrain from indulging in personal or party activities which do not bring benefit to Malaysians especially during this alarming stage with 72 fatal case, please, Minister of Health, 72 precious lives!!!!!
Our hearts are bleeding, we need to have a Minister of Health who only indulges in work and care for the health of the whole populace in Malaysia, please. No one will ever put a blame of the happening of A (H1N1) on you, it’s definitely not your fault. We Malaysians at large just want to make a simple sole request, remember it’s a simple request only, but actually it is your responsibility to shoulder, abstain from indulging too much time and energy in the party ‘battle’! We simple Malaysians want our Minister of Health to be with the people and stand side by side with the medical staff in the front line often, in battling against not only A (H1N1) but any disease, any difficulties at any time! I can see that some of the medical staff are not motivated and some are actually morally depressed because the top most person in the Ministry of Health seems not with them. Bear in mind, accountability is part of the instruments for measuring KPI !
A large portion of the Chinese community has been accusing civil servants being not performing, but I don’t agree. I have full confidence in government hospitals, and my four children were born safely in government hospitals. I used to tease my friends who had their children born in private hospitals yet facing problems and spending too much money! I saw with my own eyes the great change of the medical staff in the government hospitals during Dr. Chua SL’s time, but now? Sigh.
Ask you secretaries, especially the person who seems to know a lot, to read up all the GOs, Rules and Regulations governing the cabinet members, and summarize to you. We believe your road is still very long and your path is enlightened and is still not at the end, you can do much better than at present! Inspite of the unhappiness agonizing many patients, I still believe you can perform your duty well as a Minister of Health for all Malaysians, please remember for all Malaysians, regardless of their ethnicities. Please refrain from abusing time and government facilities for the benefit of the party; you are 24 hours on call by all Malaysians, not by MCA!
Remember, you are a cabinet member, your immediate boss is our beloved PM in particular, and the RAKYAT in general. 1 MALAYSIA !