心經 The Heart Sutra

对我而言是绝佳的鼓励, 也助我提升。

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

是可以被漂白的! 翁总你怎么说?



丹斯里莫哈末依沙过后向记者辩解他已经受到了三年的处分,因而这个课题无需重新被挑起。他也指称就算是有人犯下某些刑事罪案,只要诚挚的改过, 人民肯接受,他也有翻身的机会。他并列例子说:“有些人犯过刑事罪,但是人民仍可以接受他们, 有些人什直还当了首席部长、部长。”


其实一个人如果已真诚的愿意改过, 为什么不能给他机会?翁总,你为何对自家老二这么绝情、不合情理的倔强与及执拗呢?




Monday, September 28, 2009

网络之友来函: 我的心遗落在东海岸的夜晚~

Kg Folk兄:








1) 想想自己的评论,经得起明天的检验吗?

2) 想想今天我们以无所不用其极的语言攻击本身同志(不论翁派或蔡派)的话,放在明天,我们会惭愧吗?

3) 如果仔细咀嚼本身之前的言语时,我们有没有一丝内咎吗?

4) 把我们今天的言论,放在明天,会有准确的切入点吗?

5) 如果不小心(我只是说不小心),现在大力抨击的同志,有天坐上了高位的话,有能力完全改正局面吗?


4) 如果说华社对马华已没有了期待,我们呢?我们是不是对本身的党也没有了期待吗?

5) 如果我们已经对自己的党没有了期待的话,我们还呆在马华干吗?怎么不退党?(哈,不要对号入座。我只是就事论事。)




1.Chua 兄,我觉得你的这篇文章不应该只放在评语栏内而已;未经许可,大胆把它转贴在正面, 希望你不介意。

2.你说:“许多博客都抢着评论(当然也包括马华自己人),而论点则往往是拾人牙慧,毫无新意。”这点,我相当同意。我的碩士班讲师最强调一篇文章应有正反的论点, 再加上自己的观点和评语(评语可用询问或疑问方式),千万不能用腐败的、谩骂的、恶毒的写法 。

3.我等是感到悲哀马华及华社有这种不知敬老、月入息几千零吉的跳梁小醜,護主心切、经常無所不用極致的以各種言論乱攻击、污衊他人的文棍 "恶徒"。

4.实际上,相当多博客的写法不是很恶劣,也有一些博客的文章是中肯、有证据的。你说的刘振国的部落格(http://keykok.blogspot.com)是之一,cakap-cakap politik(http://cakappolitikmca.blogspot.com)是另一个,只不过后者写的是另一种风格,不符合碩士班的要求。

5.就像你说的,有几位以前双林斗的不可开交时的B队成员,靠大骂敦林良實出位及上位, 以达到目前身为中央領袖, 反而控制党员的发言权力。


要纠正各大民族对华社的不良看法, 应由馬華做起。




有到吉兰丹时, 一定找机会跟您喝杯茶,聊聊天、交流意见。

Saturday, September 26, 2009

马华包青天何在? 狗头侧侍候!!!



独立民调中心主任依布拉欣则向“新海峡时报”说:‘委派依沙或许被视为不恰当,但这可能是确保国阵取得令人信服胜利的唯一方式。’他认为,国阵需向选民解释因何依沙是最佳人选, 以及他曾担任22年大臣和领导巫统的成绩单是有目共睹的!




當首相还未决定森州峇眼槟榔补选的候选人,你在瞎操什么心啊?你不尊敬大马强人前首相可能是小事一件, 你越权、不尊敬马华总会长可是大事一件!!!

翁总,你说呢?你的爱将之一已‘认定’了污点可被漂白 (怪的是前首相敦马哈迪医生坚决反对!), 这不是掴了你一大掌?

翁总, <<污点不可能被漂白!>> 可是你的名句经典, 也是你用来砍杀蔡细历的杀手锏啊! 你在槟城所说的名句“我不讨好,只求好!”可不能再利用了,要不, 越来越多人会说你因私欲而砍杀蔡细历, 不是因为爱党! 善嗔一念之间阿。

马华纪律小组在建议砍杀蔡细历后,已不复其勇! 包青天何在? 快快祭起狗头侧, 将这位越权的州主席和中南马某一个小州的马华新闻局副主任陈某人,确认刘德贤对翁总的恶毒指责及污衊 (请查阅 马华纪律小组, 狗头侧何在? ) 之人 , 就地正法, 以儆效尤!!!


Friday, September 25, 2009


Look at the great joy shown on the glory face of our beloved Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Bin Tun Hussein Onn, who was given a big hug by the overjoyed old lady Leong Chwee Chun. Leong is one of the 32 927 in the citizenship backlog (as of January 2009). We can see from the picture Leong’s long waiting happiness was overwhelmed by her tears! This is truly 1Malayisa! A hug from a Chinese Malaysian to a Malay Malaysian, a real ethnic cross over, which actually was a very common scene when I was young! (Why is this a less commonly seen and practiced culture nowadays?)

2 days later, while Leong was still in her great happiness after receiving her letter of assurance to get her citizenship, she was contacted by the local Chinese newspaper China Press that Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Bin Tun Hussein Onn would give a ‘Duit Raya’ of RM 500 to her. Wow, this was an incredible news to her, A BIG HUG HAD BEEN REWARDED BY A HANDSOME DUIT RAYA! She thanked the kind Home Minister whole hearted. She further said that she would give the minister’s family lanterns and moon cakes (there is a type of vegetarian halal moon cake sold in Kuala Lumpur) as this is a Chinese tradition used to be practiced. She added that she will keep the Duit Raya packet (Chin Pau) as a personal collection.

“We have cleared 75% of the backlog and are on target to meet the December deadline I have set,” said the minister. He had made this as part of the ministry’s KPI target. This is the type of minister we Rakyat of Malaysia are looking forward to have! When our beloved Johorian Datuk Seri was the Minister of Education, he had brought the Malaysian Education to a very noticeable and distinctive High Platform internationally. He is a true Malaysian. Nevertheless, one still can easily notice that he has a strong hold of Semangat Kenegerian: Johore!!!

Ministers and Deputy Ministers representing MCA (subsequently they represent the Chinese community as claimed by them), what are your KPIs and targets? Please be transparent and work must be noticeable in your portfolio as ministers and deputy ministers of the Rakyat of Malaysia, NOT as ministers and deputy ministers of MCA ONLY!!!

We Rakyat of Malaysia want to see that all our ministers and deputy ministers are conscientious at work and to help to recover Malaysia’s economic status. We DON”T want to see ministers and deputy ministers who are only interested in party crisis and tremor. Please remember that your ministers’ and deputy ministers’ pays and allowances come from the tax payers. All tax payers have every right to question you!!! Tax payers can question you and ask you to produce evidences showing how much time each day you are engaged in party’s private ‘business’ compared to your official work as cabinet members. Don’t forget, all civil servants MUST have a minimum of 8 SOLID working hours and are 24 hours stand-by on call, what about the ministers and deputy ministers? If you can’t cope up with these working hours, how are how to guarantee your subordinates will fulfill the working hours? Tax payers can also ask you to produce your KPIs and targets during your open days in each ministry for the Rakyat to check on your work. Please bear in mind, Rakyat are your main bosses, NOT your party leader! Party leaders come, party leaders go, the party still will remain as long as it is NOT DELIBERATELY DAMAGED by leader with noxious intention to destroy it by NOT listening to the party members in particular and the Rakyat at large!!!

Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Minister in the Prime Minister’s department, where are you? Recently you have a strong man Datuk Seri Idris Jala to help you. Please check the KPIs and targets of each ministry. Have they passed up their third quarterly reports? Many of the Rakyat of Malaysia have shown their unhappiness lately.

Tan Sri, listed below is just one of the examples written by bloggers and the Rakyat who are truly disappointed and unhappy over certain ministries:


There are many others shown, please check for yourself!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

我心底深处: 对马华的一种期待!!!



"Yawn.... obviously you do not know MCA and commenting as an outsider with limited knowledge. Can you stop fawning over the 2 old men.
Ting never did anything outstanding, just ask around, he was the worse Housing minister. Michael Chen just play along as he was just a follower.
BTW, if you are not an MCA member, you have no locus standi to discuss internal MCA issues?"













一些朋友,包括初识的网络之友,常说我等心底深处是‘恨铁不成钢’! 你们说呢?

要纠正各大民族对华社的不良看法, 应由馬華做起。




备注: * 独立前的注册是马来亚华人公会; 现在应是马来西亚华人公会。

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


As usual, this morning I went to the traditional coffee shop to take my breakfast. Unexpectedly, I saw at least two of the former MCA leaders had made their stands to assert that the Central Committee (CC) of MCA, under the Constitutions of MCA, is in no position to review and alter the decision made by the supreme council since Dr. Chua SL did not put in appeal and had surrendered the case to be tabled in the coming EGM. This is parallel to what had been asserted and confirmed by the former MP of Kota Melaka lawyer Wong NC. He iterated such opinion prior to the meeting of CC in 19.09.2009. (Why is Wong NC so quiet now? Is he being pressured? We have been wondering whether he attended the CC meeting. If so, what was his stand compared to the report in newspaper that Dr. Ng YY refused to caste vote?)

CONGRATULATIONS, Tan Sri Michael Chen and Dr. Ting Chew Peh, you have finally stated the truth! Both of you were former MCA leaders gaining high respect from the party members and the Rakyat of Malaysia. Your words carry much more weight compared to the articulations from any of the present exalted, contentious, argumentative and disputatious leaders. Please ignore the regional leader, from the south, who commented on the two of you. Know what? He dared even passed insolent, impudent and scornful remarks (but only in Chinese papers) on the Menteri Besar of Johore, who had been irritated because of the change of the council members’ name list chosen by the MCA Divisional Committee without his permission. How lofty and pompous was he to go against the MB of Johore! We really hope that the Menteri Besar of Johore will teach him a lesson properly. Bear in mind, the present Menteri Besar of Johore, an old boy of Ledang English Secondary School, originated from Serom, Tangkak, is thus far, the BEST MB. He is very respected and honoured by all Johorians! His close and perfect relation with His Highness and the Royal Family of Johore is so tight and impermeable that there was no way to ask him to relinquish a state constituency to go for parliamentary constituency in the few past general elections without Johore Sultan's consent! Look at the previous MCA presidents who had headed the State MCA and contested the parliamentary constituencies in Johore before, who dared to not kowtow to the Johore Sultan, Royal Family and the MB? The MB of Johore should charge that disrespectful man to court!

Many of the formal MCA leaders have been trying to refrain from giving comments on the present crisis and tremor of MCA, except the ones who had performed ‘triple jumps’ before, but they were misleading in articulations. In fact, we had noticed that both of you had been keeping in very low profile recently and were very reluctant to give any comment on the present plight of MCA. The tremor in MCA has in a way not only exasperated and truly agonized many of its party members in particular but the populace of the nation at large! Apparently, MCA is in a very precarious situation. The party needs trust worthy seniors like you to help to appease some of the present leaders who are so arrogant, haughty, egoistic, irrational and emotional. These leaders have been exalted by their immediate supporters, forgetting the ordinary party members and the Rakyat are actually the main bosses!!!

Dr. Ting, you were a very famous professional in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia once. You had been invited to contest as an MP on behalf of MCA. You won, and you were appointed a cabinet post till you had been a minister before. You had been appointed as the Secretary General of MCA. During your time as a secretary, there was NOT even a single big controversial and disputable issue against you. You were a real scholar, knowing your duty well and had apprehended the Constitutions of MCA thoroughly. You had played your role well and definitely that was because you had always been following the constitutions of MCA very closely. You know the Rules and Regulations governing the MCA members, right from the president to the ordinary members at your finger tips! How dare a ‘young’ man from the south uttered against two senior people like you when you spoke basing on facts? How dared he question your credibility and uttered that you made wrong interpretation of the MCA Constitutions? What makes him so supercilious and lordly?

Tan Sri Michael Chen, you had been the Deputy President of MCA before. Even during your final term when there was some unhappiness between you and Tan Sri Lee San Choon, both of you were good examples of ‘Eton’ gentlemen. We did NOT see the two of you going round the country much in making unfounded, malicious, maleficent and noxious accusations against each other! Even if there were meetings with some of the local party members, they were just the normal gatherings without making agonizing accusations. During the crisis, your sole famous quotation: “以其跪着生, 不如站着死” not only has become a legacy in MCA but it has become a popular quote in the Chinese community! Likewise, Tun Ling LS and Tan Sri Lim AL were real gentlemen during their tremor of MCA, and both chose to step down peacefully!

The Chinese community in particular, and the Rakyat of Malaysia at large, want to see that all MCA leaders, Deputy Ministers and Ministers who are responsible, chary, meticulous, sagacious, free from any form of Corruptions (including the abuses of power and time), transparent, accountable, performing, and possess the qualities as EFFECTIVE and CHARISMATIC leaders.

Last but not least, the following two phrases should become MCA’s sine qua non forever!!!!!




REPOST: 一辈子别喝可口可乐!![转帖]

I happened to come across an article, “【分享】一辈子别喝可口可乐!!-转” in the blog: http://revolution-anson.blogspot.com/ .

I found it interesting and worth reposting since nowadays many people are very concerned of their personal health. Coca Cola used to be my favourite drink, but as age is catching up, I have been trying to abstain from drinking it. I had asked the blogger for his permission to repost this article, but I was told that he received from an email and there was no way to locate the originality of the article. I searched through the internet and got this post, which is supposed to be much older than the rest. If anyone can locate the original post / writer, please leave a message here.
http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/1862/ 自寻烦恼的小屋



我认识一位因肾衰竭而过逝的年轻母亲,她曾在伯特米那医院住过一个月,而且每天只能喝一杯水,医生为她进行了药物治疗,但似乎是太迟了。 根据她所说,她以前每天午餐都喝「非酒精性的饮料」或称做「软性饮料」(译注:就是那种有很多种美美的各种颜色,各种口味,甜甜的,多半有气泡的,冰的饮料,像是可口可乐,百事可乐,汽水,沙士,甚至标榜有什麽奥利多活菌,bifidus益菌。等等)。虽然只是每天一杯,但足以摧毁这个维持生命所必须的器官,她终於在去年十月去世,留下一个一岁大的儿子!



这篇文章无关 政治 ,但与可口可乐、百事可乐有关,非常耐人寻味。 对你们这些爱喝而且自以为很清楚可口可乐/百事可乐的人

清洁厕所: 倒一罐可口可乐在马桶□,让这个活生生的可乐待个一小时,然後冲掉。可乐□的柠檬酸会将玻璃质似陶瓷器(译注:指马桶)上的污点消除。


将皱成一团的铝箔片(译注:即一般厨房□刷洗锅底的铝质刷子)浸在可口可乐後,拿 来搓洗保险杆。





除去衣物的油脂: 将整罐可乐倒在一堆油腻的衣物,加入清洁剂,再进行清洗工作。可口可乐可以帮忙油垢的附离。它也可以清除挡风玻璃的污雾。而我们喝这种东西!


软性饮料的酸碱平均值,像可口可乐,百事可乐,是3.4。这种酸度酸到可以溶解牙齿和骨头。我们人体到了30岁左右就停止制造骨质。之後,骨头透过排尿,每年会有百分 之8到18会溶体外,而这端看所摄取食物的酸度。(酸度并不是指食物的味道,而是指钾、钙、镁对□的比例)所有被溶的钙成份都会在血管的动脉、静脉、皮肤,组织和器官累积。这会影响肾功能(如肾结石)。就维他命和矿物质而言,软性饮料并无营养价值。他们只有比较多的糖、酸度,和像是糖精和色素的添加物。





有人将掉下来的牙齿放在百事可乐中十天,它溶解了。牙齿和骨头是人体中唯一死亡 後,仍可保存无缺的器官。想想看这样的饮料,会对你脆弱的肠壁和胃壁做出什麽样的事来。


今天回到家以后,您要做的第一件事就是:检查您的洗发香波(即指任何洗发水)! 请仔细阅读下面的信息,然后回家对照并检查您的洗发水。现在更换洗发水还时犹未晚厎请检查洗发水瓶子上的成份说明,看看是否有一种被称为 Sodium Laureth Sulfate(钠Laureth酸盐,或简称SLS)的物质。这种物质在大多数洗发 水中都可以找到,而生产厂商用它是因为它可以产生很多泡沫并且它很便宜。但是,事实上SLS是用来清洗车库地板的,并且它的清洁能力十分强大!而且有证 据表明如果长期使用它会导致癌症,这决非玩笑。

有一天我回到家并检查了我的洗发水(维达沙宣);发现它并不含有该物质;但是其他品牌如Vo5、Palmolive、Paul Mitchell 以及Body Shop出品的新型Hemp Shampoo等都含有该物质。克莱柔Clairo)草本精华(Herbal Essences)标注的成份中的第一条(这意味着它是唯一的主要成份)就是 Sodium Laureth Sulfate。
因此我打电话给它的一家公司,告诉他们其产品包含有一种会使用户得癌症的物质。他们说,是的,我们知道这件事,但是我们什么也做不了,因为我们需要它来产生泡沫。另外,高露洁(Colgate)牙膏中也含有该物质,它也被用来产生泡沫。 他们还说他们会送给我一些信息。


创建于: 2005-02-24 22:18:23,修改于: 2005-02-24 22:18:23,已浏览550次,有评论0条

马华纪律小组, 狗头侧何在?

不久前, 柔州马华某地方領袖刘德贤指责马华总会长有在台湾喝酒和看吧女的不光彩记录。當时,刘德贤说的不是很清楚, 也没有说出证人为谁、更没提出任何证据!

过后, 刘德贤理所當然被纪律小组建议判决冻结党籍。

我等见识不广之人,深感疑惑, 总觉得有不对之处:
1. 这是个严重的、恶毒的指责。
2. 因为没有证人及证据、使总会长名誉 遭受损害。
3. 意图摧毁总会长清高、清白的良好形象。

因而, 我等认为,刘德贤的这种‘陷害’, 已导致不只是总会长个人名誉受损, 而是全体马华上上下下都感到不光彩 ! 马华总会长受诬陷已成一件民事案,刘德贤应被告上法庭。可是他只不过被判决冻结党籍, 是不是太便宜他了? 还是有其他的原因?

刘德贤好象没完没了,一直对总会长死缠烂打; 又再次提出要总会长付还五份之一的费用, 因为大家已不再是朋友了, 他只愿意替另外三位朋友出钱。

刘德贤啊, 刘德贤, 你大错特错了!
1. 总会长没有报警, 告你上法庭, 已对你是宽宏大量。
2. 你那三位朋友不敢出面替你作证, 已不配當你的朋友, 你应该向他们索取他们应付的费用。

日前, 马华中委会决定’减刑’,将蔡细厉的’死刑’改为’监禁4年’,而另一位北马马华某地方領袖也被‘解冻’了, 你还是‘外甥打灯笼’! 你的‘罪恶’真的比那一位北马某地方領袖所犯的过错更大、更不可被‘饶恕’吗?

昨日, 某位友人传来一则可笑的、荒谬的信息; 说是中南马某一个小州的马华新闻局副主任陈某人向刘德贤呛声。

这一位在308 后 ‘飞上枝头变凤凰’ 的年轻人, 說什么配偶分手过后多年, 不该再追讨多年来的吃饭钱。可笑啊, 真可笑! 几个大男人, 在那儿喝花酒, 看吧女(总会长當时肯定不在场!), 說什么配偶, 真是的。

这位某小州的马华新闻局副主任陈某人,說话有没有经大脑思考? 要護主心切、要跳出來替主子说话,也应该想一想,什么是可以说的, 什么是不可以说的。當大家还在怀疑刘 德贤所说的话, 陈某人的这番说辞反而确认了刘德贤的指责!!!

陈某人真是胆大包天, 挑衅纪律小组的权威、挑战总会长的虎威, 罪孽深重,不可宽恕。包青天何在, 快快祭起狗头侧, 就地正法, 以儆效尤!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


可笑, 可笑, 真可笑!

这是个什么世界? 这是个什么团体? 这是个什么政党?

921名中央代表已签署要求召开特大,而马华总部已发出通知书,在10月10日召开特大,一切已照程序进行。蔡细历更已决定放弃上诉(中委会是谁控制?又何必自讨没趣!),以最民主的做法把纪律事件交给中央代表在特大作出裁决。因此中委会无权检讨开除蔡细历的决定, 更无权改判为冻结蔡细历4年党籍也是中委的马华总部发言人王乃志律师日前接受《马新社》访问时,也已道出根据马华党章,若被开除者放弃上诉,中委会无法要求会长理事会,修改或重新检讨有关决定。



从919中委会的裁决, 我等获得下列结论:

再看一看, 他利用特权的身份及权力, 濫用党的一大笔资金装修马华大厦、诬陷蔡醫生成立爱国党等等没有根据、物证的指控、责备:

當爱国党的秘书和主席被迫提早出面澄清该党跟蔡醫生及民政党某强人没有任何关系时, 文學才子越描越黑, 叫人们不要相信蔡醫生及他所说的话, 简直不知所云! 既然已叫党员不要相信他所说的话, 又何必全馬走透透做秀, 创造无中生有的异议? 蔡醫生及马华党员是这么率直和可欺的吗? 再者,他叫党员不要相信蔡醫生及他所说的话, 在逻辑学来说, 党员就应该相信蔡醫生所说的话!!! 整个会长理事会及中委会没有任何一个人了解普通的逻辑学吗? 这是多麼令人惊讶的!





Friday, September 18, 2009

你可以的, 馬華!!!

近几日, 真的、假的有关马华的信息, 马华的領袖陷入各種各樣的流言蜚語之中, 使得一些华社領袖大表失望。在各種信息中, 最不可能的是向海南領袖求救! 以他的霸气、持才傲物、刚愎自用、个人英雄主义的性格, 他不可能向任何一个人弯腰’!!!

一些马华的过去人物, 何必插入一脚 ? 尤其是那些从M党跳去G党再跳回M党的人。何不学学李三春, 在最高峰时退下, 挥一挥手、不带走一片云彩的洒脱?

某些社团領袖已经发出预告: 马华不可能再助华社办事了!?

为了阻止流失华社的信任及向心力, 也参考了多方面的意见, 我等获得下列结论:

1. 各級領袖不得再製造不利马华的流言蜚語及醜聞。
2. 立刻停止南上北下的汇报会。学一学李三春和曾永森 , 林良實和李金獅; 林良實和林亞里等等时期的马华纠纷, 有那一位領袖全馬走透透做秀, 创造无中生有的异议, 而且当对手提出证据時, 卻全盘否认?
3. 各級領袖, 不管是拥有党职还是官职, 全部公布个人, 太太及孩子们的财产和储蓄、存款帐户。
4. 各級領袖严守清廉道德操行, 拥有正氣、良知、公信力、团队及问责精神。
5. 各級領袖实施透明的制度, 也不能拖欠债款不还。

以上五个要点虽忠言逆耳, 望马华众领袖能接纳,在特大举行之前有所实践!

要纠正他人, 尤其是友族们, 对华社的不良看法, 应由馬華做起; 不要只是为了性丑闻而忘了人民的首号公敵: 濫權、贪污。共勉之!


蔡醫生, 你的中文很差!?

馬華可说是近一年來最的政黨, 天天見報; 各種各樣有關馬華的新聞, 不管是好的還是不好的, 或是各類自己人或他人製造的流言蜚語, 不只經常大標題刊登在報章的頭版, 也大副刊在內頁。尤有進者, 馬華更是網絡世界, 部落格的宠儿。天天都有不受抑制的爭議, 也有很多不可思议, 被放縱, 無的放矢, 暗箭傷人的言论, 出现在各媒體。这些只懂热爱党領袖, 不懂爱党的人, 把煽動本事發揮到淋漓盡致, 使馬華不斷的受到破壞! 馬華的各級領袖, 你們不觉得丢脸吗? 人必自辱而後人辱之!!!

尽管如此, 实际上这些不可怕, 可怕的是自詡清流的文學才子每天帶幾個跟班, 到處唱、由南唱到北! 做错了事,不負責任、避談, 說错了話、不只不承認, 還死口說沒有說過。幾個跳梁小醜, 不知頭、不知尾, 護主心切、 趕緊跳出來, 說是诬陷, 他們的主子沒有說過那一類没经大脑思考的話!

當沙巴马华沙巴实必丹区会主席苏诗登及另外2名马华区会主席挺身而出指证時, 文學才子還不承認。苏主席跟隨蔡醫生見中央代表们談起蔡醫生被罵是狗, 也發毒誓如果說謊、天打雷劈! 一個胆敢發毒誓的人站在你面前, 中央代表们還能不信吗?

眼看形勢不對, 才子趕緊說蔡醫生中文太差, 不瞭解他所讲的鹰犬、狗腿子, 不是人尽皆知,有四条腿的狗。不才只受過六年華小教育。由中學 、大學、直碩士班、都是受純英文教育。才子只能够唬一唬像我这些, 中文不好的人。但是, 像林放這類網絡前輩, 更曾在新闻媒体服务良久之人, 中文造诣之高不在話下。林放的解说(http://limfang.blogspot.com/)及对才子的责备, 更是无可置疑的! 才子不是華文本科畢業生, 越描越黑,不知所雲! 清朝時, 鹰犬爪牙横行天下。日本占領中國時, 狗腿子充滿天下, 處處都有, 壞事做盡! 蔡醫生做了大恶、罪孽深重的事? 为何被人無所不用極致的以各種言論污衊?

一個充滿爭議的人, 有何資格批評他人? 我強調, 濫權是一種腐敗的行為, 也是一種贪污。贪污是國家及人民的首号公敵! 盲目的人,为免惹得一身蚁, 还是闭嘴的好。

张秀福说, 翁诗杰贵为马华总会长,所说的每句话、 做的每个决定,都对马华起着巨大的影响。他也遗憾翁诗杰至今還没有就“斩鸡头”的挑战,做出回应,也不敢上神庙烧香发誓,以示清白。

雞犬何罪之有, 要斩之? 上神庙, 烧香发誓就好!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


恭喜你,教育部副部长 !!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Deputy Minister of Education. You have had done a very CORRECT and wise move: that is urging MCA to have only one EGM (which was finally announced yesterday afternoon) and granting the MCA Youth members freedom to attend any talks they like to go. Yes, this is a democratic world; NO one has the right to decide for the others! You know very well that the MCA Youths are not the ones to be controlled by using irrational and illogical instructions. Take for instance, during the contest of the top post in MCA Youth years back, the youths did not follow the wish and blessing of all the MCA Youth state chairmen. They despised the blessing from the top liners of MCA main body and took their firm stand to support the contentious, argumentative and disputatious person. Subsequently, tremor happened in MCA Youth later. Our beloved Deputy Minister of Education, you had made a very wise move now, unlike the one from Subang Jaya. He had made himself a clown! How dared he ask the central representatives to withdraw the petition forms which had been signed and witnessed by qualified lawyers?

Another mockery happened in Kedah two days ago. 5 out of 15 Division chairmen attended a press conference to support the MCA president. The state chairman declared that Kedah fully supports (100 % ?) the MCA chief. What an irony is this? Doesn’t he know simple Mathematics? Is one third a majority? Is one third equivalent to 100 %? This is an absurd concept of Mathematics and anthropology one has ever heard of. Or is this a new discovery or finding in Mathematics that we Kampong Folks are outdated? Since you are a Deputy Minister of Education, I suggest that you recommend a good Mathematics teacher for him!!!

For the last couple of weeks, we have noticed that you have at least, I dare not use the word finally because you may recur your mistakes intentionally or unintentionally, tried to refrain from attending the road shows organized by the chief. You have made a very wise move. I iterate, your immediate boss is our beloved PM, and your bosses at large are the Rakyat of Malaysia!

You are still very young and if we are not mistaken, you are in the early 40s. You still have a very long way to go. You have a very bright political arena. It is full of blessings and joys. Please remember all these blessings are from the Rakyat and from your sifu Long PT in JB, not just from your subordinates or you blind disciples! He is a gentle and a very nice person. He never used dirty tactics to maliciously dismay and damage the image of his rivals. We strongly believe that you were with him for long, as such, you would have some how inherited the good practices from him! Keep it up! Please bear in mind, Rakyat are the main bosses!!!

You are a Deputy Minister of Education. You are sure to know and able to apprehend fully the KPIs set by our beloved PM, all the GOs, Rules & Regulations that govern all civil servants and cabinet members, apart from the DOs and DON’Ts, much more than other MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers! You know very well that there are 3 categories of Corruption being defined in the Anti-Corruption Acts:

1. Corruption of Money / Monetary Gain - receiving rewards or anything similar or letting family members or close relatives having monetary gains in approving projects or giving preferences etc.

2. Corruption of Power - Abusing the power by giving projects or giving preferences to any one having relations or allowing the facilities or premises to be used for personal or any close relation's personal interest, demoting or expelling subordinates for personal gain / interest, promoting subordinates based on personal judgment or aiming to gain support etc.

3. Corruption of Time - late to work, leave working place early, use the official time for personal interest, not related to core work etc.

Consequently, it is impossible for you to support a person who openly abuses power and involves in wrong acts like conflict of interest, otherwise how are you going to face other educators and students? IT IS INDISPUTABLE THAT CORRUPTION IS A MORE NOXIOUS ACT THAN SEX SCANDAL!!!!!

Whether you like it or not, you have nothing else to say other than talking about EDUCATION, LEARNING, DELEARNING & RELEARNING, and TRAINING, DETRAINING & RETRAINING. So you may have to play the role as sifu in enabling your counterparts in MCA to have satisfactory grasping of these requirements set by our beloved PM!!!!

What the Rakyat want from the party is merely a small request: be free from corruptions (any form) and refrain from indulging in personal or party activities which do not bring benefit to Malaysians especially during this moment the Board of Governors of the Chinese primary schools are very agonized over the issue of proven 80 % fund in the LPS account before they can apply for buying land or build premises for school. On top of that, many Chinese-based primary and secondary schools are facing great difficulties in physical conditions and lack of fund to settle school utility bills! Please don’t forget, the issue of tendering school canteen is at the corner.

Look at the picture below, an extract from the front page of a local Chinese newspaper:

Year in and year out, the recurrence of these sadness and agony is a never ending story! Our hearts, especially from the Chinese community, are BLEEDING! We need to have a Deputy Minister of Education who only indulges in work, great care and patience for the Chinese–based primary and secondary schools in particular, and other types of half-aided schools like the Tamil and the mission schools in general, please. Remember, you are the First Deputy Minister of Education, for MALAYSIANS, NOT for the MCA party or MCA President !!!

You did a good job to help the SJKC which you had spent 6 years of primary school life by giving a handsome sum some time last year. I am sure your family, your teachers (especially those from the Chinese primary school in the country side), your schoolmates and your village folks will feel extremely proud of you forever: the First Chinese Deputy Minister (an excellent and performing deputy minister NOT a non-performing deputy minister) produced by the village and the school! You had made those Chinese primary school teachers honoured. Their hardship of travelling from the town to a remote place to teach in a very small Chinese primary school had been greatly rewarded, not monetarily, but in the reward as the school has had produced a Deputy Minister of Education. This is the GREATEST achievement thus far attained by the school. We believe that the school, teachers, country folks are looking eagerly forward to the advent of a Minister to the school in near future, and that is you, Dr. Wee! Congratulations again, you had created an excellent RECORD in the village and the school for the younger generations to follow! You need to help them to stand upright in front of every one and be proud of you forever! Your good name will remain as a legacy in the village and the school forever!

We believe your road is still very long and you have a long way to go in the political arena. You can do much better than at present before you go further up in MCA! Prove yourself to be named as the BEST Deputy Minister of Education, thus bringing greatest pride and honour to your beloved primary school and your home town!

The Rakyat also want and have the right to know your KPIs: How many Chinese-based, Tamil and mission schools have you visited? How many of the deeply engrain Chinese school issues have you settled once and for all? We are looking forward to have a selfless and excellent Deputy Minister for the time being and a superb minister in near future!!!!!

May Buddha always be with you, blessing your conscientious contributions to the Rakyat and the nation!


Sunday, September 13, 2009


領袖們, 請慎言!!!

This morning, as usual, I went to the traditional coffee shop not far away from my house to take my breakfast. Today, I ordered a cup of ‘thick’ and fragrant Hainanese coffee (only RM 1.00) and a bowl of delicious laksa (only RM 2.50). Well, I have a very bad habit that I ought to read newspapers when I am taking breakfast especially during the week ends.

Week ends are supposed to be my days to relax and have a peaceful mind. Every one wants to have, at times, serene and unruffled moments especially when we are enjoying our delicious food and have a nice time to read some newspapers. Occasionally, the coffee shop will be quite crowded but the owner and customers there will not disturb you even if you were to take hours to read the newspapers. The owner of the shop is so kind that he provides daily newspapers comprising 3 major types of Chinese newspapers and the Star.

Out of blue, I was stricken by a flurry! I saw in an inner section of a Chinese newspaper such an annoying and agonizing statement: “Don’t believe in what So & So and I said,” told a political leader. It’s the first time I got my feet wet on this type of irresponsible and irritating utterance from a leader. Oh my Buddha, is this truly a sentence uttered from the mouth of a Malaysian leader? Unbelievable, unreasonable, absurd, ridiculous, incredulous, irresponsible, unaccountable, preposterous ... what else can you think of to describe such a shocking act of this type of leaders? This is one of the greatest mockeries one has ever heard of recently!

These leaders can be very incongruous in making claims contradicting to what they had said previously. They can twist and turn around to say something entirely different after the concrete evidences had been put forth to them. Aren’t they feeling ashamed of what they have alleged on unfounded claims or the ‘stories’ cooked up by them? Why can’t they compete in a just way and behave more like gentlemen?

It has been a large number of allegations made by one of the political leaders recently without showing evidences and concrete proofs. For instance when some of the Sabah Division chairmen made press statement to confirm that Dr. Chua SL had been belittled maliciously with an ill intention to dismay and damage his dignity by using some maleficent but unfounded comments, he could quickly turn around. He blamed others having very poor grasp of Chinese Language and had twisted his meanings. He denied that he had been constantly using disparaging sentences against some one. Secondly, he alleged Dr. Chua SL had formed a party known as ‘Parti Cinta Malaysia’. After the party’s founders put up press statements to clarify that the party has nothing to do with MCA or Dr, Chua or Tiong, he twisted his words again.

We can apply a simple logic in this case. From the sentence “don’t believe in what So & So and I said”, one can immediately jump to an inferring insinuation that the person who articulated this sentence cannot be trusted. However, there exists an innuendo that the So & So can be trusted! This is simply because what was said by the articulator is inevitably false now. As such, what he asks us to believe, we cannot believe; what he asks us not to believe, we have to believe! Isn’t it a clear logical implication that So & So had spoken the truth? Don’t they realise that they have derogated themselves and their party? The tactics used by them are all ‘below the belt’. We hope that people will see the truth nature of a person. After all, a leopard cannot change its spots and a spade is still a spade.

I feel that some thing has definitely gone wrong some where in the present so-called affluent societies. Apparently, many people are so daring and fearless to lie. Who are the ones to be blamed? Isn’t ‘Belief in God’ the First Principle in Rukun Negara which is the doctrine of all Malaysian? Moreover, the Fifth Principle governs our conduct and behaviour! Why are these liars so sceptical? Don’t they believe in Gods? Are they not scared to be punished, if not now, later by telling lies?

The Chinese community wants to be unflustered from emotional agitation in particular and the Rakyat at large wants to have an unperturbed society and nation in general!

I personally urge the Malaysian government to form a school like the Eton College in England, whose graduates are all gentlemen, to have serious and ‘vigorous’ training for the local politicians. Most of our politicians need to learn how to articulate in the public and learn to respects others!!! Teach them to be responsible and accountable for what they have said and what they have done! Let them know that if leaders cannot be trusted, who else can we trust? How can leaders ask us NOT to trust them? This is the greatest irony in the world!

Last but not least, I sincerely hope that the present MCA leaders can learn from their sifu like Tun Ling and Lim AL who were the real gentlemen by NOT belittling the rivals during the party’s tremor and crisis at their time. The former Deputy President of MCA, Lee KS, in his days of unhappiness with Tun Ling, was never so arrogant and haughty! Even their present ousted leaders like Tan Seri Ong KT, Datuk Dr. Fong CO and Datuk Ong KC are examples of leaders who are polite and worth respecting!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

LETTER FROM 羅健達 ~通情達理~

2009年9月11日 星期五

致Kg Folk 兄:

汗颜之作承蒙阁下如此错爱,本人深感荣幸。 兄台亲自到“寒舍”,留言交待小生特地以中文点评贵作。晚生文笔浅薄之至,但阁下盛意拳拳,唯有恭敬不如从命,斗胆献丑。

兄台自小学后,就没有书写任何中文文章。贵笔尘封数十寒暑,如今,再度执笔,开山之作能有此功力,实属难得! 此外,阁下言道“不敢忘本”,炎黄之孙本就应以博大精深的中华文化为傲。兄长如此胸怀,好生令人敬佩!

阁下曾言道,文笔不能随心所欲,自由发挥,还盼像小生般随心书写任何中文文章。个中原因莫过于兄台一直都是以英文写作。而英文和中文本身就存有很大的文化差异。 阁下英文文笔之锋锐,咄咄逼人之势,本人有幸领教。但在挥笔书写中文时,兄台所面对的问题是找不到合适的表达和修饰词语。这是长时期不书写中文所带来的困惑。

表达同一个意思,中文有多种词语和方式。 仲然意思相同,但每个词汇却能带来不同的意境。差之毫厘,谬以千里。中文之奥妙远非直接了当的英文所能比。

中文有不同的文体,如白话、古白话、古文言、诗词和歌赋。如今,一般人都喜欢用白话作为文体。 如能在白话文章内加入古白话、古文言、成语、谚语和广为人知的中华历史元素,文章的吸引力定能更上一层楼。其实,本人自幼热爱古典名著和神州历史,所以在书写中文时,一般都喜好引用名句精华。读书破万卷,下笔如有神,果然是至理名言!此乃小生写作的心得,特此与君分享。

以上所言,纯属是笔者的愚见。 文笔若有冒犯处,敬请海涵!文笔小功夫,容人大丈夫!共勉之!


2009年9 月12日

发贴者 ken tatt 健達 时间: 上午10:16

Friday, September 11, 2009


前幾日某報刊登了槟州首长林冠英在某個場合公開指说馬華是 “找红包” (Mahu Cari Angpow)的政党的新聞。隔日,槟州馬華妇女组力指行動黨在308大選已經“得红包” (Dapat Ang Pao),却還對政敵咄咄逼人。林首长再说MCA是 Money Collecting Agency 的縮寫; 行動黨的人好像嘴癢、非说不可; 陈國偉插嘴说MCA是 Make Chinese Angry 的縮寫。

真可笑, 感覺是一些人在糊鬧而已。

隔幾日某報刊登了槟州首長林冠英又再踩馬華的報導, 槟州馬華憤怒了, 趕緊群起聲討和起訴林首長。

看了這些新聞, 感到好氣又好笑。

林首長踩了馬華, 槟州馬華妇女组也已取笑行動黨。 可是槟州馬華認為林首長的言論使馬華蒙羞, 因而起訴林首長。


去年馬華改選過後到現在, 馬華的成績單在那? 合格吗?

人們所看到的是許多馬華的領袖陷入各種各樣的流言蜚語之中, 而不能提出有力的反駁!

尤有進者, 馬華所提議的“三拼”:

一拼. 拼经济民生 (在国家经济面临大考验时, 协助国家稳定经济, 责無旁贷。)

二拼. 拼执政为民 (贯彻执政为民的理念落实,不能远离政治的主轴。)

三拼. 拼和谐社会 (创造和谐共享的社会,重新定位及打造健康的种族和谐关系。)


一拼: 拼谁最能‘视而不见’,‘充耳不闻’, 不理民生, 民怨问题,但是最計前嫌!

二拼: 拼谁最“內斗內行,外斗外行”!

三拼: 拼那一时代的馬華最乱!

冰冻三尺非一日之寒,馬華正面對多事之秋, 還要忙着红包的爭論,有必要吗???

讓人说说幾句, 馬華就會崩潰,瓦解了? 難道瘋狗咬你一口, 你非咬它一口不可?

馬華不是企業聚團, 不是投資公司, 不靠捐款, 哪裡有錢支撐總部的日常開支、 援助華社? 事實上, 馬華通過收取捐款已在教育,慈善方面幫了華社很多!

只要有發出收據,記錄齊全, 有公信力, 何懼之有?



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

領袖們, 你們能做到!?

看看昨日某報的內頁新聞, 感到汗顏。看! 人家是多么有良知、有勇气, 充滿高尚品德及问责的精神! 而我们的領袖, 有很多是权力狂、充滿霸气、刚愎自用, 也喜愛搞个人英雄主义及滥用权力。真希望我们的領袖能謹慎的、睿智的及有透明度的處理事物, 也多培養公信力及团队精神。
你們不姑息养奸,才能使华社的領袖謙虛、忠誠及清廉。 感恩。


Monday, September 7, 2009

再吵, 再吵, 大家長生氣了!?

看看今天某報的頭版, 感到心寒。
求求你們, 不要再爭, 不要再鬥了!!!
替华社多做一點事, 可以吗? 能夠吗???
中央代表们, 請你們好好利用手中的一票!
小弟只受過六年華小教育。由中學 、大學、直碩士班、
都是受英文教育。自認不敢忘本, 第一次用華文書寫。
不足及不通之處、请大家多多見諒, 也不吝指教。

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Congratulations, Minister of Health.

For the last couple of days, we noticed that you have at least, I dare not use the word finally because you may recur your mistakes intentionally or unintentionally, tried to refrain from attending the road shows organized by the chief. I iterate, your immediate boss is our beloved PM, and your bosses at large are the Rakyat of Malaysia!

You are still very young and if we are not mistaken, you are in the mid 40s. You still have a very far way to go, your political arena is full of blessings, if you treasure what you have now, but please remember all these blessings are from the Rakyat and from your sifu Lim AL. Lim AL is a very capable man. He had done a lot for the Rakyat and the nation. I recall an incident when there was a by-election in Pahang some time ago. The MB of Pahang earnestly requested Lim AL to help in campaigning even though that state constituency was for Gerakan. Lim AL rushed to that place after visiting a place where houses were burnt down (I think it was his constituency area) without going back home first. Can you remember how many days and nights your beloved sifu had been away from his house? Could you recall that the MB of Pahang made use of this sentiment and he uttered that “with Lim AL around, there is no worry of the by-election!” Consequently, the by-election was a great victory for BN. Can you remember that his mother was hospitalized then and he only went back to meet the mother after the by-election was over? Would you do that? Could you sacrifice not for your own interest only? Lim AL was an excellent State Exco and a good Minister of Labour (sorry I can’t use the word excellent for his performance in the ministry post as Dr. Fong had done much more and laid excellent work for the next minister who took over). This is the type of leader we Chinese in particular, especially those in the country sides, and the whole Rakyat in general, look for! Could you, and would you, follow what had been laid down by your sifu Lim AL as a politician? You were Lim AL's political secretary before, you know very well that he worked with his heart! He cared for all the Rakyat, irrespective of their dialects (not like the present one who cares much more of his own dialects!) and ethnicities. He was never selfish, except one thing: He insisted the parliamentary constituency he vacated must be passed to you (so you ought to follow his good practices!) and the ministry post must be given to Tan KC which later became one of the reasons for the occurring of the previous tremor and crisis in MCA, sigh! (We still can tolerate his actions for these two cases, after all he is still a human being who cannot run away from the weak point by choosing his own favourites.) I am sure you will know why Rayat, of all ethnic groups, still has him vivid in their minds!

You did a good job to help the SJKC which you had spent 6 years of primary school life by giving a handsome sum, but this is not enough. I am sure your village folks, your teachers and your schoolmates want to feel proud of you forever: the First Chinese Minister (an excellent and performing minister NOT a non-performing minister) produced by the village and the school! Congratulations again, you had created an excellent RECORD in the village and the school for the younger generations to follow! You need to help them to stand upright in front of every one and be proud of you forever! Your good name will remain as a legacy in the village and the school forever!

We hope you will really follow the KPIs set by our beloved PM. Please ask your secretaries to help you to memorize all the GOs, Rules & Regulations that govern all civil servants and cabinet members, apart from the DOs and DON’Ts. Please have more visits to hospitals and community polyclinics, check on the medical staff more frequently and avoid complaints against hospitals (like the case an MO was reading newspaper in a KL hospital. Please bear in mind, there is NOT even a second of free time during the working hours. The Hospital Director was WRONG to say that the MO made use of a few minutes reading newspaper while waiting for other patients to come in! To rectify this, you must apprehend GOs well !!!) from happening. Give your medical staff stronger supports as they are the front liners and I am sure patients who frequent hospitals also would like to meet you and forward complaints, if there are, directly to you when you are around. We are looking forward to have a selfless and excellent minister soon.

Congratulations again for doing things good for the Rakyat and the nation! (Dr. Wee was right in not following the road shows for many times.) Why should we bother criticisms from bloggers saying that you didn’t show your face in the road shows? Bear in mind, KPI by a Minister of Health for the Rakyat and our beloved homeland Malaysia is more paramount than the party issues.

May Buddha always be with you, blessing your conscientious contributions to the Rakyat and the nation.


Saturday, September 5, 2009


菜單, 菜單, 我愛你!?
Many of the so-called fixed sets of ‘menu’ have evolved as byproducts of the previous and recent MCA tremors and crisises. This is nothing sensational. Fixed set of menu has been largely regarded as a legacy not only in any political party in particular but in most of the organizations at large. Looking at the present trend of the AGMs of most of the Chinese-based NGOs, which one does not have fixed sets of menu? So, proposing fixed sets of menu for the coming EGM to be held by MCA is not astonishing at all. I see no reason why there are so much write ups to comment on this and people involved are so scared to admit that they are the ones to fix the menu?

Talking about the fixed set of menu, it reminds me of what happened before the last Chinese New Year (CNY). Let us digress from the fixed set of menu for political parties or NGOs a little moment.

My wife and I planned to have a family dinner in a restaurant during the third day of the CNY. As usual, we can foresee that the restaurant would be full house and there could be scheduled hours for dinning. Any how, we proceeded with the planning and we were told to choose certain fixed sets of menu available. During CNY, the restaurant manager refused to let you choose your own menu! I was not keen in fixed menu as the set might not suit our taste. My children were not as fussy as me, they told me to accept.

On the dinning day, fair enough the restaurant was crowded, but we had to be in a fast pace to take our dinner because the dishes were out one after another before we could enjoy! As I had expected, the dishes were badly cooked, and none of us enjoy the dinner.

Back to a fixed set of menu for the political parties or the NGOs, will it be good?

There are lots of variants and rumours about the fixed sets of ‘menu’ for the next line up of MCA, such as “廖江”配 , “江廖”配, “廖魏”配 etc, but don’t you think all these are too 'raw' in the cabinet and they could be bullied by senior ministers from other parties? Moreover, Liow has not yet performed well as a Minister of Health. The medical officers need his moral support very much! They are waiting for his regular visits to hospitals and clinics and not at the MCA premises!!!However, there is a speculation for the lady as a break through to be the first lady president of MCA! Thus far, no one has ever mentioned Dr. Fong who had been the best Minister of Labour . I certainly support him, as during his time as a Minister of Labour, he had done a lot for the Chinese communities. Similarly, Tan Seri Ong KT who had also contributed a lot when he was the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and as Minister of Housing and Local Government. Hope other ministers and deputy ministers representing MCA now or to come will leave party matters aside and strive for the Chinese community in particular and the beloved nation in general. please leave some legacies in the ministries held by all of you before you step down!

From my little experience in the restaurant, fixed set of menu seems to be bad. In the last year’s MCA AGM, the usual practice of fixed set of Menu by MCA top liners was no more favourable. I was more than delighted and having high hope when the central representatives fully exercised their rights not to choose every ‘dish’ from the fixed set but to choose capable people, consisting of veteran(senior), middle-aged (experienced) and the youngs (full of enthusiasm). The Chinese community at large too was having high hope that there would be a big turnover of MCA to do good work for the Chinese in particular and the nation in general, as the central representatives were so mature and forgiving that Dr. Chua was given a chance again in view of his good services and track records despite his sex scandal and OTK who was named a ‘flow of fresh stream’ single lonely man was also chosen. To many people, the new line up, 翁蔡配, was a sensational break through. The new line up which was chosen out of blue by the central representatives was named “蕹菜”配 by Dr. Wee KS and he praised them sky high after the results were announced! AS SUCH, THE CHOICE OF THE CENTRAL REPRESENTATIVES MUST BE RESPECTED !!!!!

Kangkong’ is a kind of green vegetable which is vigorous and can grow very easily at any place. It is full of vitamins and has become one of the most affordable and favourite dishes for the lower income group at large. In fact, it is a cheap and affordable dish to most people especially for those who live from hands to mouths but yet it can be a very delicious dish if the chef knows how to cook, by putting in some garlic to kill germs, a little ikan bilis, chilli and belacian. My wife does not like ‘kangkong’, she blames taking too much ‘kangkong’ will create ‘wind’ in the body. I like ‘kangkong’. I was brought up in a very poor family in a deserted village and my mother passed away when I was five years old. “Kangkong’ became a very regular dish on the dinning table, and I could get it free from the riversides. Consequently, due to emotional feelings and the sourly bitter memories of the younger days, I was praying hard the new line up would be able to refresh MCA and strive for the Chinese community and the nation, but at the end?

The dish 'kangkong’ was not cooked properly and maybe too much ‘belacian’ had been put in and it’s burnt now! Or could it be because the essential ingredient, garlic which can kill germs, was not put in? Bear in mind, ‘kangkong’ can only be by cooked by a good chef, it cannot be a cook itself. So is it the omen causing the downfall of this set of menu chosen by the central representatives?

It comes to a simple saying: A coin has two sides. Taking all the dishes in a Fixed Set of Menu is not advisable and may not suit your taste, choosing different dishes not from a fixed set of menu may end up the ‘dishes’ do not match due to a lot of factors, subsequently disasters follow! However, a decision still has to be made! How? All in all, whether the Chinese who are MCA or non-MCA members, they have only one simple but reasonable request to be fulfilled by all MCA central representatives: Choose leaders who are APPEASING and can serve Chinese community in particualr and the nation in genaral well!
I iterate, especially to the possible new line up:

Friday, September 4, 2009


The MACC’s chiefs told the news reporters that OTK was called up to ‘help’ in the investigation of the donation of RM 10 Million to MCA by Tiong and not about the PKFZ issue which is too complicated and has deep effects. OTK’s aide said that he was called up to be a witness in the PKFZ issue, whereas OTK admitted he was called up to help in the PKFZ issue and the case reported by Tiong.

An interesting question arises here: Who is speaking the truth?

My answer is straight forward: Both are NOT telling lies technically!

MACC is right in the sense that PKFZ’s issue is far too complicated and precarious, so much so that the effects can be very alarming. Consequently, they are still waiting for the right time and directive to carry out thorough investigations. In order not to let the alliance party having loopholes to complain against MACC merely going after the opposition party members, they have been trying their best to do the work despite shortage of man power. Many of the BN component parties’ members have been called up other than the alliance parties’ members. Since the issue about Tiong’s donation of RM 10 Million is an internationally super ‘hot cake’ in the eyes of the public, and both parties had launched police reports, it is more advisable for MACC to take swift action. I personally believe that the MACC acts independently and righteously in this issue.

OTK is not cheating in this case! We must believe that he has high moral values and he is a holy man. By looking at the big Buddhist beads he wears on his wrist, we can conclude that he is very devoted to Buddhism, which will never allow him to violate any of the Five Precepts of Buddhism:

The Five Precepts

1. Panatipata Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami
2. Adinnadana Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami
3. Kamesu Micchacara Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami
4. Musavada Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami
5. Suramerayamajja Pamadatthana Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami

Subsequently, he will never lie, he will never have unlawful sexual affair, he will never kill (so bloggers, please don’t use the Chinese word Dr. Chua was ‘slaughtered’, he was only ‘sacked’, haha, so the first precept is NOT violated by him!), he never takes things not belonging to him (so second precept again not violated), but if some one wants to give him voluntarily, what’s wrong of him receiving? He is the boss, he will never be involved in incorrect speeches because all his followers must listen to him, no one can say ‘NO’ to him, so you Sabahan MCA members dared to go against him? He only chased you out, but not scolded you, so the fourth precept is also not violated. No one has the proof he drinks or drank before. That Mr. Lau from Johore alleged him of taking alcohol in Taiwan without proof, that’s why he deserved to be suspended as MCA member. So, he is not violating the fifth precept as well. As such, he is a holy man that no one can deny what he says!

In this case, definitely he speaks the truth. Maybe the MACC could have one sole intention initially: only investigate Tiong’s allegation against him about the donation of RM 10 Million to MCA through him by cash. But there is some thing which is very absurd and incongruous, how can Tiong passed cash to him? Any donation to a political party must be by cheques under the name of the party so that the money can be accounted for. Don’t forget, he is a very good debater. He had thrashed Lim GE once in a trilingual debate. With his holy and innocent look and superb ability to table his facts, what is so difficult for him to relate the allegation to his investigation into the PKFZ’ misclaims? So the whole issue of investigating Tiong’s allegation against him becomes the explanation of the PKFZ as a major issue and allegation of the donation of RM 10 Million as a minor issue.

Consequently, a small inference here:
Both Are Not Telling Lies!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


It has been quite some time many patients who frequent government hospitals are getting agonized, not just because of some poor service but because of lacking stock of medicine or medicine prescribed by doctors were not available and the pharmacist at the dispensary departments had to use their decision to substitute by some other medicine. Patients, even those old ‘ah ma’ and ‘ah pei’ who have problems in walking, were told to leave the contact numbers so that they can be contacted to go to hospitals to get the medicine prescribed when the stock is available. Is the Minister of Health aware that for some of these regular ‘visitors’ to hospitals, their medical prescriptions can be given for period of 2 or 3 months as their next appointment could be half a year later. I had this type of annoying and inflaming experience many times.

I would like to put forth some questions to our beloved young Minister of Health.

1. How often have you frequent the hospitals and community polyclinics since you had been
appointed this post?
2. Have you fulfilled the KPI requirement in visiting hospitals and community polyclinics?
3. Do you know that most of the medical staff are working under great tension especially during
this moment when A (H1N1) has caused 72 fatal cases?
4. How many times you have meetings with the Director General of Health and other top
medical officers in finding ways and solutions to curb the wild spread of the fatal disease?
5. How many times have you carried out spot checks on hospitals and community polyclinics?
(A must in KPI !!!)
6. How many times have you given moral support, advices and appraisals to the medical staff in
the hospitals and community polyclinics?
7. Why are there so many complaints against the private hospitals in Malaysia? Do you know the
difference in the work ethics of the private hospitals in Singapore compared to those in
8. Do you know the working hours and schedules of the Minister of Health in other countries? Do
you know that especially during this moment, they were so tied down that they hardly have
time for personal and party matters?

Let me digress from the main issue a while, but not totally out from the issues of health. I visited a GH often. Basing on what I have heard from the medical staff and most people, I have come to certain inference. Bear with me if I am not very correct.

Besides his sex scandal, Dr. Chua with his superb knowledge in medicine and experience in administrative work (he was many years State Exco of Johore). He was very chary and sagacious at work. He was very particular in medical and administrative work in hospitals and according to most medical staff in government hospitals or departments, any project or work assigned had to be accomplished within the time frame given or even in a shorter period. They had to work on toes as he would have not only regular but unscheduled or rampant spot checks personally! Now, if your superior has a superb know-how and very meticulous in work and carries out spot check at any time, what would you do? As such he was named the BEST Minister of Health thus far by most medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often. I think it's not easy to have such kind of minister any more, sigh!

Datuk Chua is a lawyer, I don't think he really knows much about medical stuff, but he was an excellent Minister of Health, simple reason: he worked with his heart. As most lawyers are very meticulous, he had this as a bonus to his work as a Minister of Health. If you were to find out from the medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often, you will know that he was named the second best.

Back to our issues about KPI requirements to be followed by all civil servants and the ministers or deputy ministers, we will have a little discussion of what have been intentionally or unintentionally omitted.

I want to iterate that there are in general 3 main categories of Corruption being defined in the Anti-Corruption Acts:

1. Corruption of Money / Monetary Gain - receiving rewards or anything similar or letting familymembers or close relatives having monetary gains in approving projects or giving preferences etc.
2. Corruption of Power - Abusing the power by giving projects or giving preferences to any one having relations or allowing the facilities or premises to be used for personal or any close relation's personal interest; removing or expelling subordinates for personal gain / interest; promoting subordinates based on personal judgment or aiming to gain support etc.
3. Corruption of Time - late to work, leave working place early, use the official time for personal interest, not related to core work etc.

There are also GOs as working ethics to be obeyed by all civil servants and cabinet members! Under certain crucial moments, civil servants and cabinet members are 24 hours on call. They do not have private time at all, please bear this in mind!!!!! If we were to analyze properly, not necessary in details, we will find that so many of them are practically indulged only in party activities merely for their personal interest and gains, sigh! Please do not argue with me that there are many others (in other political parties) who do that. If you were to say such thing, then it is better you bite back the dog when a dog bites you!!!! What we need from the cabinet members is only a simple request, but NOT difficult to follow: be free from corruptions (any form defined above) and refrain from indulging in personal or party activities which do not bring benefit to Malaysians especially during this alarming stage with 72 fatal case, please, Minister of Health, 72 precious lives!!!!!

Our hearts are bleeding, we need to have a Minister of Health who only indulges in work and care for the health of the whole populace in Malaysia, please. No one will ever put a blame of the happening of A (H1N1) on you, it’s definitely not your fault. We Malaysians at large just want to make a simple sole request, remember it’s a simple request only, but actually it is your responsibility to shoulder, abstain from indulging too much time and energy in the party ‘battle’! We simple Malaysians want our Minister of Health to be with the people and stand side by side with the medical staff in the front line often, in battling against not only A (H1N1) but any disease, any difficulties at any time! I can see that some of the medical staff are not motivated and some are actually morally depressed because the top most person in the Ministry of Health seems not with them. Bear in mind, accountability is part of the instruments for measuring KPI !

A large portion of the Chinese community has been accusing civil servants being not performing, but I don’t agree. I have full confidence in government hospitals, and my four children were born safely in government hospitals. I used to tease my friends who had their children born in private hospitals yet facing problems and spending too much money! I saw with my own eyes the great change of the medical staff in the government hospitals during Dr. Chua SL’s time, but now? Sigh.

Ask you secretaries, especially the person who seems to know a lot, to read up all the GOs, Rules and Regulations governing the cabinet members, and summarize to you. We believe your road is still very long and your path is enlightened and is still not at the end, you can do much better than at present! Inspite of the unhappiness agonizing many patients, I still believe you can perform your duty well as a Minister of Health for all Malaysians, please remember for all Malaysians, regardless of their ethnicities. Please refrain from abusing time and government facilities for the benefit of the party; you are 24 hours on call by all Malaysians, not by MCA!

Remember, you are a cabinet member, your immediate boss is our beloved PM in particular, and the RAKYAT in general. 1 MALAYSIA !